Wednesday, May 29, 2013



What can I even say about the last week and a half? Sunday a tornado just missed Norman and proceeded to tear apart Shawnee and parts of Prague (luckily our favorite shelter, OK Save a Dog, was spared). Monday the F5 tornado blew through Moore. I was at work with my kiddos; the tornado changed paths and just missed our school. Unfortunately, three other schools were not as lucky. Homes and businesses were flattened, including those of coworkers and students. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. 

School was cancelled for the remainder of the year and the day the students could come pick up their stuff and say goodbye to teachers was the same day as my surgery to remove a basil cell from my cheek. Due to the surgery and needing to keep the wound clean from sweat, dirt, and germs, I couldn't help out with clean up. What to do... Paint of course! Painting has always been therapeutic and I have had to turn to it a lot in this past year. 

I knew my subject was going to be Oklahoma. After seeing the people of this state come together with their overwhelming generosity, kindness, and love, I just swelled with pride! The Oklahoma spirit is alive and well.